Welcome to the MaidCom project!

This is a project to create an affordable robowaifu for everyone. What is a robowaifu? A robowaifu is any program which provides its user with personal help while being affectionate and attractive.

There are three major types of robowaifu.

1: Text

A text based robowaifu is program which helps its master through text responses and reminders. This is commonly known as a chatbot. Though a robowaifu maintains the requirement of being attractive. Thus, it requires a visual element such as a static image or a series of images to convey different states. At its most basic form, it is a simple image above a terminal.

2: Visual

This robowaifu is an animated series of images. It is differentiated from a text based robowaifu by appearing to be animated. They can be used via text but, ideally can be spoken with. She should act as a helpful anime girl which happily speaks to you and attempts to benefit you.

3: Automata

An automata which appears like an attractive feminine being. This can vary from a smart speaker which turns its head to look at her master to a full sized woman customized to meet any desire of her master. Generally, accepted sizes range from 20 to 160 cm. Heights above or below this range suffer from being impractical.

Here are images of what MaidCom should look like when done:

There's still much to accomplish before MaidCom becomes available:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!